New Romances #14 - Alex Toth art

New Romances #14
New Romances v1 #14, 1952 - This issue's "Smart Talk" advises teenage girls not to be gold diggers. Alex Toth illustrates this single page with the care and draftsmanship of his longer stories. Fine details are retained by inker Mike Peppe, down to the montage on the final panel. Other artists in this golden age comic include Art Saaf. This is 3 of 8 New Romances issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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" Smart Talk" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 1 page = ***

Alex Toth

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New Romances #14 - Alex Toth art New Romances #14 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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