Star Spangled Comics #113 - Frank Frazetta art

Star Spangled Comics #113
Star Spangled Comics v1 #113, 1951 - Though a mix of different genres fill this issue, the lead feature belongs to Tomahawk, a colonial-era adventurer. His latest challenge: stop the villainous Black Cougar from robbing the area's wagon trains. Frank Frazetta nicely captures the rough-hewn feel of the frontier era. The outdoor scenes are open and spacious, populated with individualized characters. Most memorable is the opening splash (see interior page below), showing the Black Cougar eyeing his victims from above. His figure and horse are beautifully cloaked in shadow, with just enough highlights for definition. This story was later reprinted in Tomahawk #139. Other artists in this golden age comic include Leonard Starr. This is 1 of 1 Star Spangled Comics issues by Frazetta.
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"The Black Cougar" Frazetta story pencils and inks 10 pages = ***

Frank Frazetta
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Star Spangled Comics #113 - Frank Frazetta art Star Spangled Comics #113 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:30 PM Rating: 5

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