Journey into Mystery #62 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover, Kirby, Ditko art

Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko
Journey into Mystery v1 #62, 1960 - Pre-dating the Incredible Hulk by two years, this furry behemoth version lands on Earth from a distant prison planet. Jack Kirby's enthusiasm is evident in both the draftsmanship and the details. Dick Ayers does an adequate job with the story inks, but Steve Ditko's cover inks are even better. In another tale, a businessman builds up his wealth through cunning and cruelty but wakens an ancient elemental force. Both the drawings and layouts are outstanding, thanks to Ditko's conscientious efforts. The only flaw is that the opening scene could have been more effective as a splash page. "The Living Hulk" was later reprinted in Monsters on the Prowl #11. Other artists in this silver age comic include Don Heck. This is 15 of 49 Journey Into Mystery issues by Ditko and 13 of 76 Journey Into Mystery issues by Kirby
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Kirby cover pencils (Ditko inks) = ***
"I Can't Escape From The Creeping Things" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***
"I Was a Slave of the Living Hulk" Kirby story pencils (Dick Ayers inks) 13 pages = ****

Steve Ditko
Jack Kirby

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Journey into Mystery #62 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover, Kirby, Ditko art Journey into Mystery #62 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover, Kirby, Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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