Dreadstar #4 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Jim Starlin
Dreadstar v1 #4, 1983 - While giving advanced teledrives to the Monarchy, Dreadstar and company are tasked with protecting the king from an assassination attempt. The artwork by Jim Starlin continues to reward readers with clarity and interest. His cover design, deviating from the normal trade dress / masthead placement, is a welcome change. Note the fine battle sequence in the interior page below. This is 4 of 32 Dreadstar issues by Starlin.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Hand of Darkness" Starlin story pencils and inks 30 pages = ***
Starlin back cover pencils and inks = ***

Jim Starlin

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Dreadstar #4 - Jim Starlin art & cover Dreadstar #4 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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