Tarzan #82 - Russ Manning art

Tarzan #82
Tarzan v1 #82, 1956 - Prince Notango makes his back to Zululand on his trusty mule, but not before a band of thieves try to steal his mount. Plenty of action  gives Russ Manning the chance to showcase his fine illustrations. His rendition of horses and hyenas look especially good in this story. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jessie Marsh. Photo cover. This is 44 of 133 Tarzan issues by Manning.
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Untitled Brothers of the Spear story Manning pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Russ Manning
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Tarzan #82 - Russ Manning art Tarzan #82 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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