Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #57 - Carl Barks art

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #57
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1 #57, 1945 - With a thousand dollar prize at stake, Donald Duck and crew head to the woods to photograph an iron-billed woodpecker, the rarest bird in the world. Even in a woodsy setting, Carl Barks illustrates the flora and fauna with great care. His realistic shading brings detail and depth into many of the scenes. Many of the best gags feature Donald's tantrums (see interior page below), which seem to increase in expressiveness with each issue. Other artists in this golden age comic include Walt Kelly. This is 26 of 280 Walt Disney's Comics and Stories issues by Barks.
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Untitled Barks story pencils and inks 10 pages = ***

Carl Barks
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Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #57 - Carl Barks art Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #57 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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