Conan the Barbarian #10 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Conan the Barbarian v1 #10 marvel comic book cover art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
Conan the Barbarian v1 #10, 1971 - The first of two longer page-count issues, Conan enters a bejeweled city and joins up with a fellow thief from his past. Barry Smith's drawings crowd most of the small panels, but not without interest or excitement. Decorative flourishes abound, especially in scenes of sorcery and fantastic creatures. Smith's pensive opening splash depicts Conan and his female companion at the city gates, firmly establishing the setting and tone. This story was later reprinted in Savage Sword of Conan special #1. A King Kull back-up tale rounds out the book, ably drawn by Marie Severin. This is 10 of 22 Conan the Barbarian issues by Smith. /// Smith gallery
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***
"Beware the Wrath of Anu"
Smith story pencils 24 pages = ***

Conan the Barbarian v1 #10 marvel comic book page art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
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Conan the Barbarian #10 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Conan the Barbarian #10 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:56 PM Rating: 5

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