Dark Horse Presents #61 - Frank Miller art & cover

Frank Miller
Dark Horse Presents v1 #61, 1992 - Held captive by the death-dealing prostitutes of Old Town, Marv endures a beating by Goldie's vengeful twin sister. Frank Miller's brutal cover portrait is echoed on his opening panel. As Sin City nears the end of its run, the artwork seems bolder and the layouts more precisely designed. Of the many superb scenes, the array of costumed hookers on page 5 stands out 9see interior page below). This episode was later reprinted in the Sin City trade paperback. Other artists in this issue include David Johnson. This is 11 of 13 Dark Horse Presents issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils and inks = ***
"Sin City episode 12" Miller story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = ****

Frank Miller
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Dark Horse Presents #61 - Frank Miller art & cover Dark Horse Presents #61 - Frank Miller art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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