The Thing v2 #36 - John Byrne cover

John Byrne
The Thing v2 #36, 1986 - While She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel battle it out, the Thing tries to conceal his own ongoing mutation. John Byrne returns to ink the cover of final issue of the series. The artist adds texture to the main character, separating it from the streamlined female figures in the background. Other artists in this copper age comic include Paul Neary and Sam de la Rosa. This is 4 of 4 Thing issues by Byrne.
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Byrne cover inks (Paul Neary pencils) = **

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The Thing v2 #36 - John Byrne cover The Thing v2 #36 - John Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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