Amazing Spider-man #20 - Steve Ditko art & cover + 1st Scorpion

Steve Ditko
Amazing Spider-man v1 #20, 1965 - One of the oddest villains created on the series, the Scorpion makes his debut, using his flailing mechanical tail as a weapon of destruction. Aside from the opening splash, Steve Ditko mostly employs an evenly divided, nine panel grid. Some of the fight scenes, such as page 9, seem a bit too confining. And yet, Ditko compensates with skillful draftsmanship throughout. The artist's figure drawings and facial expressions are both distinctive and engaging. His cover however, is far too rudimentary in design. This is 20 of 38 Amazing Spider-Man issues by Ditko. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Scorpion
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = **
"The Coming of the Scorpion" Ditko story pencils and inks 20 pages = ***
"Peter Parker and 'Ol Webhead" pin-up Ditko pencils and inks = ***

Steve Ditko
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Amazing Spider-man #20 - Steve Ditko art & cover + 1st Scorpion Amazing Spider-man #20 - Steve Ditko art & cover + 1st Scorpion Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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