Creepy #124 - Alex Toth art

Creepy #124
Creepy v1 #124, 1981 - Attending a sophisticated magic show, Blackwell the Magician becomes obsessed with his competitor's final trick: the decapitation of a young woman. Alex Toth only provides the inks on this story, but raises the artwork's stature immensely. It helps that Alexis Romero's pencils are not too dissimilar in style. The page designs are excellent, bolstered by Toth's skillful proportions of black and white (see interior page below). The artist rarely inked other people's work, but this example demonstrates his strong influence regardless of contribution, Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Carmine Infantino, Rudy Nebres, Martin Salvator and Alfredo Alcala. This is 14 of 15 Creepy issues by Toth.
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"Malphisto's Illusion" Toth story inks (Alexis Romero pencils) 8 pages (black and white) = ***

Alex Toth
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Creepy #124 - Alex Toth art Creepy #124 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

jeirich said...

The flow of the last panel is masterful.

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