Alpha Flight #17 - John Byrne art, cover & reprint

John Byrne
Alpha Flight v1 #17, 1984 - After the death of her husband, Heather recalls Mac's early days as Weapon Alpha, specifically his attempt to bring Wolverine back and his battle with the X-men. John Byrne's new drawings are splendid bookends for a partial reprint of X-men #109. Also drawn by the artist, this issue presents a rare opportunity to see two periods of his work side by side. Byrne also does a more hurried replication of Dave Cockrum's cover from the same issue. This is 17 of 30 Alpha Flight issues by Byrne.
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Byrne cover pencils and inks = **
"Dreams Die Hard" Byrne story pencils and inks 13 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Alpha Flight #17 - John Byrne art, cover & reprint Alpha Flight #17 - John Byrne art, cover & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:55 AM Rating: 5

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