Sparkling Love #1 - Joe Kubert art + 1st issue

Sparkling Love #1
Sparkling Love v1 #1, 1950 - Neglected by her hardworking fiancee', Lydia gets swept off her feet by his visiting frat brother. Joe Kubert's fluid lines are present, but his enthusiasm appears lacking in this tale of love and betrayal. It doesn't help that his drawings compete with plenty of character dialogue. Not surprisingly, the opening panel with its contemporary setting full of details and patterns, is the high point of his efforts. This Kubert story was later reprinted in Sparkling Love Stories #1. This issue also includes artwork by Howard Larsen, Louis Ravielli and Sid Lazarus. This is 1 of 1 Sparkling Love issues by Kubert. /// key 1st issue
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"Once for Any Girl" Kubert story pencils and inks 8 pages = **

Joe Kubert
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Sparkling Love #1 - Joe Kubert art + 1st issue Sparkling Love #1 - Joe Kubert art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:10 PM Rating: 5
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