Brides Romances #21 - Matt Baker art

Brides Romances #21
Brides Romances v1 #21, 1956 - Finding the man of her dreams, Sally is devastated when he begins to spend all of his time with another girl. This tale of trust and betrayal is splendidly drawn by Matt Baker. Faces and figures are expressive, even empathetic (see interior page below). His layouts are well paced and constructed. His pencils are reinforced by smooth brushwork. Kudos go to the unknown inker, whose polish is evident (perhaps Chuck Cuidera?). Other artists in this golden age comic include Sam Citron and Bill Ward. This is 3 of 4 Brides Romances issues by Baker.
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"My Fickle Boyfriend" Baker story pencils (Chuck Cuidera? inks) 7 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Brides Romances #21 - Matt Baker art Brides Romances #21 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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