Weird War Tales #122 - Don Newton art

Weird War Tales #122
Weird War Tales v1 #122, 1982 - An old sailor recounts his days as a midshipman aboard a British destroyer. His tale turns fantastical as a futuristic ship engages them. Don Newton's artwork is largely adequate, with much of his effort put into the opening panel. Set in a peaceful bay in the South Pacific, the scene is more detailed than subsequent pages. Sal Trapani, whose style differs from Newton, nonetheless does an admirable job with the inks. Other artists in this copper age comic include Ruben Yandoc, Romeo Tanghal and Howard Chaykin. This is 2 of 2 Weird War Tales issues by Newton.
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"Showing the Flag" Newton story pencils (Sal Trapani inks) 8 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Weird War Tales #122 - Don Newton art Weird War Tales #122 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:11 PM Rating: 5

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