Doc Savage v2 #2 - Jim Steranko cover

Doc Savage v2 #2 marvel bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
Doc Savage v2 #2, 1973 - The hero stands before an ancient South American pyramid, surrounded by cult figures and warriors. Jim Steranko captures Doc Savage in a moment of hesitation, unsure of his next move while fires blaze in the background. The artist's drawings of pre-Columbian statuary and other decorative details not only are exemplary, but have the feel of authenticity. The entire scene seems to be a precursor to the Indiana Jones films which would come a few years later. Other artists in this issue include Ross Andru and Ernie Chan. This is 1 of 2 Doc Savage v2 issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ***

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Doc Savage v2 #2 - Jim Steranko cover Doc Savage v2 #2 - Jim Steranko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:37 PM Rating: 5


Britt Reid said...

Wasn't this Marvel's Vol 1?
(I thought the B/W Doc Savage was their Vol 2!)

If you go by published series from different companies, it's actially Vol. 3, since you had the Street & Smith series and the Gold Key one-shot before the Marvel run.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

The Street & Smith series was officially titled "Doc Savage Comics" (1940-43). The one-shot issue from Gold Key (1966), titled "Doc Savage" I'm counting as Vol 1.

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