Ghost Manor v2 #19 - Don Newton art & reprint

Ghost Manor v2 #19
Ghost Manor v2 #19, 1975 - Vampire-like creatures from different cultures are featured on this Don Newton one-pager. Fine lines, brushwork and cross-hatching add a richness to his horrific illustrations. Another Newton page, "Baron Weirwulf's Library" originates from Haunted #17. "Vampires of the World'' was later reprinted in Ghostly Tales #161. Other artists in this bronze age horror comic include Pat Boyette and Tom Sutton. Cover by Boyette. This is 2 of 4 Ghost Manor v2 issues by Newton.
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"Vampires of the World'' Newton story pencils and inks 1 page = ****

Don Newton
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Ghost Manor v2 #19 - Don Newton art & reprint Ghost Manor v2 #19 - Don Newton art & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:45 AM Rating: 5

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