Charlie Chan #4 - Jack Kirby cover

Jack Kirby

Charlie Chan v1 #4, 1949 - Within this archeological setting, Charlie Chan himself is diminished in favor of an elaborate golden statue. Jack Kirby makes the artifact the cover's focal point. The size and scale dominates all the other elements. The statue's armor and weaponry is creatively and masterfully designed. Great care and effort (including Joe Simon's inks) make this cover stand out from the rest of the series. Other artists in this issue include Dick Briefer. This is 4 of 6 Charlie Chan issues by Kirby. /// Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Simon inks) = ****

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Charlie Chan #4 - Jack Kirby cover Charlie Chan #4 - Jack Kirby cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:09 AM Rating: 5

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