Space War #8 - Steve Ditko art & cover

Steve Ditko
Space War v1 #8, 1960 - Radiated by a nuclear flash, a spaceman quarantines himself from Earth, only to be reduced by alien outcasts. Credit to Steve Ditko for his enthusiastic and robust effort. Each page is finely detailed and lovingly drawn. The (mostly) outer space settings are awash in stars and planets, suggesting a universe teeming with life. As usual, Ditko’s inventive shapes are perfectly suited to the science fiction genre. The cover is only a montage of interior panels. Other artists in this silver age science fiction comic include Bill Molno, Rocco Mastroserio and Vince Alascia. This is 4 of 5 Space War issues by Ditko.
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"The Contaminated Space Man" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****

Steve Ditko
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Space War #8 - Steve Ditko art & cover Space War #8 - Steve Ditko art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:29 PM Rating: 5

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