Battle #41 - Joe Kubert art

Battle #41
Battle v1 #41, 1955 - When a Communist division makes their stronghold in a North Korean town, an American GI and his translator must sneak in to gather vital intelligence. Joe Kubert's pencils lose their effectiveness due to another artist's poor inking. Most of the panels are overworked and imprecise. Kubert's own hand seems nonexistent, especially compared to his other work on the series. Other artists in this golden age comic include Bill Benulis, Jack Katz and Gene Colan. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is 2 of 2 Battle issues by Kubert.
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"Captured by the Reds" Kubert story pencils (Sy Moskowitz inks) 6 pages = *

Joe Kubert
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Battle #41 - Joe Kubert art Battle #41 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:34 AM Rating: 5

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