Vampirella #9 - Barry Windsor Smith, Wally Wood, Jeff Jones art

Vampirella #9

Vampirella v1 #9, 1971 - Three talented artists contribute to this ninth issue. Jeff Jones' inside front cover tells of Lilith, the biblical Adam's first wife prior to Eve. The black and white color palette seems appropriate given the sinister tone. Wally Wood illustrates a tale featuring an enchantress and her sword-wielding brute. Giant spiders, skeletal soldiers, and voluptuous women are among the visual delights. The use of cave-like openings as panel frames (page five) are used to great effect. Barry Smith draws his only story for Warren, in a style not unlike his early Conan works. In his story, a boy encounters tree dryads after falling victim to a gang of bullies (see interior page below). While not as polished as Wood, Smith's drawings have a beautifully surrealistic feel. The stories by Wood and Jones were later reprinted in Vampirella annual #1. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Tom Sutton. This is 3 of 8 Vampirella issues by Jones, 1 of 1 Vampirella issues by Smith and 1 of 3 Vampirella issues by Wood.
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"The Curse" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****
"The Boy Who Loved Trees" Smith story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***
"Lilith" Jones inside front cover pencils and inks = ***
(All interiors in black and white)

Barry Windsor Smith
Wally Wood
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Vampirella #9 - Barry Windsor Smith, Wally Wood, Jeff Jones art Vampirella #9 - Barry Windsor Smith, Wally Wood, Jeff Jones art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:33 PM Rating: 5

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