Heroic Comics #37 - Alex Toth art

Heroic Comics #37
Heroic Comics v1 #37, 1946 Alex Toth tells of a luxury liner sinking and the heroics of a young Stonewall Jackson in two separate tales. Both efforts are early in his career. Sadly, his drawing skills are sorely lacking. Other artists in this issue include H.C. Kiefer. This is 5 of 13 Heroic Comics issues by Toth.
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"That Another Might Live" Toth story pencils and inks 3 pages = *
"When They Were Young - Stonewall Jackson" Toth story pencils and inks 4 pages = *

Alex Toth
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Heroic Comics #37 - Alex Toth art Heroic Comics #37 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:02 AM Rating: 5

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