Teen-age Temptations #2 - Matt Baker cover

Matt Baker
Teen-age Temptations v1 #2, 1953 - A major flirt sets her sights on the school's handsome new teacher, letting him literally sweep her off her feet. The girl's band uniform is decorative yet revealing, especially by 1950s standards. The scene is full of activity, yet Matt Baker ensures the encounter is in public view. The bus's perspective draws the eye toward the couple and further extends the background's depth. Other artists in this golden age romance comic include Bernard Sachs. This is 2 of 9 Teen-age Temptations issues by Baker. / Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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Teen-age Temptations #2 - Matt Baker cover Teen-age Temptations #2 - Matt Baker cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:47 AM Rating: 5

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