Savage Sword of Conan #17 - Walt Simonson art

Savage Sword of Conan #17
Savage Sword of Conan v1 #17, 1977 - Walt Simonson wraps up the history of the Hyborian Age. Robert E. Howard’s fictitious ancient past segues into the earliest civilizations we know of today. Perhaps slightly less crafted than his previous chapters, Walt Simonson's drawings retain their uniqueness and excitement. His layouts are varied enough, alternating between strong vertical and horizontal panels. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Tim Conrad, John Buscema and Alfredo Alcala. This is 6 of 7 Savage Sword of Conan issues by Simonson.
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"The Hyborian Age (chapter 6)" Simonson story pencils and inks pages (black and white) = ***

Walt Simonson
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Savage Sword of Conan #17 - Walt Simonson art Savage Sword of Conan #17 - Walt Simonson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:19 AM Rating: 5

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