Captain America #249 - John Byrne art & cover

Captain America #249 marvel 1980s bronze age comic book cover art by John Byrne
John Byrne
Captain America v1 #249, 1980 - Discovering an underground lair, Cap finally confronts the Machinesmith and his many robotic minions. John Byrne's penchant for robots in evident in this story, even those in various stages of completion. His somewhat chaotic cover reflects this, yet still maintains clarity and excitement. The pages are confidently drawn, incorporating technology in nearly every panel. Byrne's pencils are enhanced further by inker Joe Rubinstein. This is 5 of 15 Captain America issues by Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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Byrne cover pencils (Josef Rubinstein inks) = ****
"Death, Where is Thy Sting?" Byrne story pencils (Josef Rubinstein inks) 17 pages = ****

Captain America #249 marvel 1980s bronze age comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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Captain America #249 - John Byrne art & cover Captain America #249 - John Byrne art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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