Savage Sword of Conan #57 - Nestor Redondo cover

Nestor Redondo
Savage Sword of Conan v1 #57, 1980 - A rampaging Conan tears through the enemy on this Nestor Redondo cover. His berserk expression, harsher than the rest on the painting, may have been executed better. Redondo does fit both barbarian and horse within a nicely cleaved out space. This is 8 of 10 Savage Sword of Conan issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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Redondo cover painting = ***

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Savage Sword of Conan #57 - Nestor Redondo cover Savage Sword of Conan #57 - Nestor Redondo cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:45 PM Rating: 5

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