Marvel Team-Up #75 - John Byrne art, mis-attributed Byrne cover

Marvel Team Up #75
Marvel Team-Up v1 #75, 1978 - When arsonists set a tenement building on fire, Spider-Man and Luke Cage have their hands full saving tenants. Drawn with warmth and sincerity, John Byrne captures the bravery and dedication of New York City's firemen. Prior to all the explosive action, Peter Parker and Mary Jane's arrival at a disco is one of the more interestingly retro scenes. Kudos to Al Gordon, whose inks reinforce the excitement of the initial pencils. Despite what some comic book price guides say, Bob Hall, not Byrne, is the cover artist. This is 17 of 22 Marvel Team-Up issues by Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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'The Smoke of That Great Burning" Byrne story pencils (Al Gordon inks) 17 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Marvel Team-Up #75 - John Byrne art, mis-attributed Byrne cover Marvel Team-Up #75 - John Byrne art, mis-attributed Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:10 PM Rating: 5

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