Batman #331 - Don Newton art

Batman #331
Batman v1 #331, 1981 - One of Commissioner Gordon's men goes undercover and eventually winds up missing. The Batman promptly steps in, using his disguise talents to investigate. Don Newton's pencils are merely adequate, perhaps hampered by Steve Mitchell's inking. His best work appears in the opening scene (see interior page below), where the Batman's arrival is dramatized by high contrast lighting. Other artists in this copper age comic include Irv Novick and Frank McLaughlin. Cover by Jim Aparo. This is 4 of 32 Batman issues by Newton.
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"Wolf in the Fold" Newton story pencils (Steve Mitchell inks) 8 pages = ***
Don Newton
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Batman #331 - Don Newton art Batman #331 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:43 AM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

Aren't they missing a "C" in ElectroCutioner?

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Ha! You're right!

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