Marvel Super Action #1 - Mike Ploog art + 1st Huntress

Marvel Super Action #1
Marvel Super Action (magazine) v1 #1, 1976 - Featuring the Punisher, this one-shot issue also introduces the Huntress, a SHIELD agent turned superhero in a separate story. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse would next appear with a new name and costume in Marvel Team-Up #95. In yet another tale, writer Doug Moench and Mike Ploog introduce the fantasy realm Weirdworld. An elf-like hero named Tyndall of Klarn journeys to the Region of Shadows to kill the heart of evil. Curiously, a decorative band is placed atop all of the pages, filling in the extra space. Ploog illustrates the story with consummate skill and detail. Weirdworld would next appear in Marvel Premiere #38. This issue also includes art by Bob Larkin, Tony DeZuniga, Rico Rival, Howard Chaykin, George Evans and Frank Springer. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Super Action issues by Ploog. /// key 1st appearance Bobbi Morse as the Huntress, 1st issue
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"An Ugly Mirror on Weirdworld" Ploog story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***
"Red Eyed Jack is Wild" 20 pages

1st Huntress

Mike Ploog

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Marvel Super Action #1 - Mike Ploog art + 1st Huntress Marvel Super Action #1 - Mike Ploog art + 1st Huntress Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:42 PM Rating: 5

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