Marvel Premiere #38 - Mike Ploog / Alex Nino art

Marvel Premiere #38
Marvel Premiere v1 #38 featuring Weirdworld, 1977 - Two talented artists come together to produce this fantasy tale, whose elvish characters make their only regular-sized comic book appearance. Mike Ploog provides the wonderfully eerie pencils and Alex Nino inks the pages with a sumptuous textural quality. One of the most notable scenes is when an evil wizard creates minions by spitting out candle wax. It's a humorously magical panel yet beautifully drawn as well. Surprisingly, Ploog and Nino mesh together seamlessly without sacrificing the expression of either artist. Cover by Rudy Nebres. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Premiere issues by Nino and 4 of 4 Marvel Premiere issues by Ploog. /// Nino gallery
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"Weirdworld" Ploog story pencils / Nino inks 18 pages = ****

Mike Ploog / Alex Nino 
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Marvel Premiere #38 - Mike Ploog / Alex Nino art Marvel Premiere #38 - Mike Ploog / Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:52 PM Rating: 5

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