Out of the Shadows #12 |
Out of the Shadows v1 #12, 1954 - Eking through life in a small Saharan town, a Frenchman meets a woman who leads him to an ancient treasure and its powerful curse.
Alex Toth's linework is often loose and erratic. While his drawings appear harsher, the approach is effective in capturing scenes of chaos and sandstorms. Toth's second tale is more nuanced, chronicling the travels and obsessions of a rich clock collector. Beautifully rendered, the tone is set by the large, visually compelling opening panel. "Images of Sand" was later reprinted in
Seduction of the Innocent #4 and "The Man Who Was Always on Time" was later reprinted in
Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #2. Other artists in this golden age comic include Rocco Mastroserio and Gene Fawcette. This is 4 of 4
Out of the Shadows issues by
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"The Man Who Was Always on Time" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 5 pages = ****
"Images of Sand" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 6 pages = ***
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