Mister Miracle #21 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

Marshall Rogers
Mister Miracle v1 #21, 1977 - With Barda close to death, Mister Miracle must go to Apokolips to find the only person who can save her. Marshall Rogers' style begins assert itself, despite the hurriedly applied inks of another. Past the first few pages, layouts transform into more exciting and innovative sequences. This change coincides with the artist's grim introduction of Apokolips (see interior page below). Despite some constraints, Rogers is able to meet artistic expections. This is 3 of 6 Mister Miracle issues by Rogers. /// Rogers gallery
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Rogers cover pencils (Vince Colletta inks) = ***
"Command Performance" Rogers story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 17 pages = ***

Marshall Rogers
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Mister Miracle #21 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Mister Miracle #21 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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