Brave and the Bold #93 - Neal Adams art & cover

Brave and the Bold v1 #93 dc comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams

6.  Brave and the Bold v1 #93, 1971 - After a near fatal encounter with a thug, the Batman is convinced to take a long overdue break. A trip to a remote part of Ireland seems the ticket, but an ancient legend ends the hero's respite. Cain, the caretaker of the House of Mystery, humorously narrates this gothic tale. From city slum to ocean liner to medieval castle, Neal Adams depicts each setting with great skill. Every panel is meticulously drawn and carefully paced. Among the highlights: Bruce Wayne's rescue of a lad falling overboard (page 5) and the storm-drenched image of a wraith (page 14). Toward the story's end, a few pencilled panels convey the viewpoint of the Batman in his drug-induced state. Adams' last complete story for the series is also his finest. This story was later reprinted in Limited Collectors' Edition #C-59 and Best of the Brave and the Bold #5. This is 11 of 17 Brave and the Bold issues by Adams. /// Top 10 Adams comics / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
“Red Water, Crimson Death”
Adams story pencils and inks 23 pages = *****

Brave and the Bold v1 #93 dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams

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Brave and the Bold #93 - Neal Adams art & cover Brave and the Bold #93 - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:20 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Nomis said...

One of Neal Adams finest works on Batman!

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