Korak Son of Tarzan #10 - Russ Manning art

Korak Son of Tarzan v1 #10, 1965 - A village doctor is the only hope for Pahkut, recently shot by an evil hunter. Russ Manning's streamlined artwork tells the story with both clarity and brevity. Perhaps the most arresting panel is on page 14, where African warriors are starkly portrayed in light and shadow. In the second tale by Manning, Korak rescues women and girls destined to be buried with their dead king. The pages are impeccably drawn and sequenced. Most noteworthy is the story's opening panel, depicting Korak emerging from the dense jungle foliage. This story was later reprinted in Golden Comic Digest #9. This is 10 of 12 Korak issues by Manning. /// Manning gallery
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"When the Rhino Charged" Manning story pencils and inks 15 pages = ****
"The Pit" Manning story pencils and inks 9 pages = ****

Korak Son of Tarzan v1 #10 gold key silver age 1960s comic book page art by Russ Manning
Russ Manning
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Korak Son of Tarzan #10 - Russ Manning art Korak Son of Tarzan #10 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:13 PM Rating: 5

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