Authentic Police Cases #9 - Matt Baker cover, mis-attributed Matt Baker art

Authentic Police Cases v1 #9 st john crime comic book cover art by Matt Baker
Matt Baker
Authentic Police Cases v1 #9, 1950 - Despite the violent gunplay on this cover, it's the gangsters' moll that commands attention. Matt Baker makes sure her tightly clinging dress appeals to male readers. Her wealthy attire also directly contrasts the working class setting. Although Baker often used beautiful women to adorn his covers, this one seems less integrated into the scene. Despite the convoluted layout, Baker's drawing skills do not disappoint. There is no interior Baker art, as stated in some price guides. Other artists in this golden age crime comic include John Celardo. This is 4 of 28 Authentic Police Cases issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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Authentic Police Cases #9 - Matt Baker cover, mis-attributed Matt Baker art Authentic Police Cases #9 - Matt Baker cover, mis-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:32 PM Rating: 5

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