Astonishing Tales #5 - Barry Windsor Smith art

Astonishing Tales #5
Astonishing Tales v1 #5 featuring Ka-Zar and Dr. Doom, 1971Barry Smith delivers his most vivid opening splash of the series. As Ka-Zar struggles high above the ground, readers are pulled close into the scene (see interior page below). Meanwhile, the Petrified Man grows increasingly mad with power. The artwork wanes on subsequent pages, confined by progressively smaller panels. Still, as a whole, Smith delivers a notable early effort. This story was later reprinted in Savage Tales annual #1. Other artists in this bronze age issue include George Tuska and Mike Esposito. Cover by John Buscema. This is 3 of 5 Astonishing Tales issues by Smith.
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"Rampage" Smith story pencils (Sam Grainger inks) 10 pages = ***

Barry Windsor Smith
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Astonishing Tales #5 - Barry Windsor Smith art Astonishing Tales #5 - Barry Windsor Smith art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:32 AM Rating: 5

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