Micronauts #31 - Frank Miller cover

Frank Miller
Micronauts v1 #31, 1981Frank Miller employs a strong diagonal layout for his one and only Micronauts cover. The outstretched hand and ankh-like key tend to dominate, while team members Space Glider, Bug and Marionette are essentially secondary elements. Crackling rays emit from a circular orb, adding interest and movement. Miller's cover is competent but far from distinctive. Other artists in this copper age comic include Pat Broderick and Danny Bulanadi. This is 1 of 1 Micronauts issues by Miller
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Miller cover pencils (Al Milgrom inks) = ***

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Micronauts #31 - Frank Miller cover Micronauts #31 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:15 PM Rating: 5

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