Haunted #8 - Steve Ditko art, 1st John Byrne art

Haunted #8
Haunted v1 #8, 1972 - A ghostly female forewarns of impending disaster, driving the main character to the brink of insanity. Steve Ditko's opening page is uncharacteristically drab with its small title and straightforward layout. However, subsequent pages make up for it with outstanding draftsmanship. His three-page dream sequence is particularly stunning, due to the pale, monochromatic backgrounds (see interior page below). Note that John Byrne's single page is his first professional work. While merely adequate, it stands out among his other text illustrations for Charlton. Other artists in this comic include Pat Boyette and Jack Abel. Cover by Abel. This is 1 of 1 Haunted issues by Byrne and 8 of 23 Haunted issues by Ditko. /// 1st start John Byrne
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"She's Waiting" Ditko story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

"Witch's Wail" Byrne pencils and inks 1 page = ***

John Byrne
Steve Ditko
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Haunted #8 - Steve Ditko art, 1st John Byrne art Haunted #8 - Steve Ditko art, 1st John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:47 PM Rating: 5

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