Marvel Team-Up #64 - John Byrne art

Marvel Team-Up #64
Marvel Team-Up v1 #64, 1977 - Concluding the storyline from the previous issue, Spider-man and Iron Fist are joined by the Daughters of the Dragon. Like before, John Byrne's martial arts figures move with surprising grace. His calm opening splash of an injured, bedridden Iron Fist contrasts against the frequent action scenes on subsequent pages. Though prominently displayed on the cover (above a cringing kung fu hero, no less), Misty Knight and Colleen Wing appear in the story primarily as support characters. Cover by Dave Cockrum. This is 9 of 22 Marvel Team-Up issues by Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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"If Death Be My Destiny
" Byrne story pencils (Dave Hunt inks) 17 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Marvel Team-Up #64 - John Byrne art Marvel Team-Up #64 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:09 AM Rating: 5

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