Spellbound #34 - non-attributed Al Williamson art

Spellbound #34
Spellbound v1 #34, 1957 - This final issue includes a non-attributed story by Al Williamson. A wealthy widow is preyed upon by a charlatan who claims contact with her dead husband (not quite what's depicted on the cover). While not one of his strongest works, Williamson's drawings mostly meet expectations. The inking is particularly heavy in some panels, not uncommon for frequent collaborator Ralph Mayo. Other artists in this golden silver age comic include Richard Doxsee, Frank Bolle, John Forte, George Roussos and Robert Q Sale. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is 1 of 1 Spellbound issues by Williamson.
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"In the Room of Darkness" Williamson story pencils (Ralph Mayo inks) 4 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Spellbound #34 - non-attributed Al Williamson art Spellbound #34 - non-attributed Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:30 PM Rating: 5

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