Best Romance #5 - Alex Toth art

Best Romance #5
Best Romance v1 #5, 1952 - Photos of couples often appeared on 1950s romance covers, including this one with actors Anne Francis and William Lundigan. Alex Toth illustrates a story about a judge's daughter and her working class boyfriend. The opening scene depicts a serious car accident in lurid detail. Subsequent pages reveal the preceding events, delivered with clarity and sensitivity. Other artists in this golden age comic include Vernon Greene and John Celardo. Cover photo features actors William Lundigan and Anne Francis. This is 1 of 1 Best Romance issues by Toth.
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"My Stolen Kisses" Toth story pencils (John Celardo? inks) 7 pages = ***

Best Romance v1 #5 standard romance comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Best Romance #5 - Alex Toth art Best Romance #5 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:31 PM Rating: 5


KB said...

Nice example of Toth's romance work. I've not seen this one. Do you mind me asking how you get your scans to have such a white background?

Ted F said...


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