Western Kid #9 - Al Williamson art

Western Kid #9
Western Kid v1 #9, 1956 - A grim-faced stranger arrives in town, seeking his brother's murderer. Though brief, Al Williamson's story is impressive in its sheer artistry and draftsmanship. Quickly applied brushstrokes add tension and a sense of movement to various scenes. There are a handful of panels with too little detail, but for the most part Williamson does justice to the genre. This story was reprinted two decades later in Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger #1. Other artists in this golden age comic include John Romita. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is 1 of 2 Western Kid issues by Williamson.
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"A Stranger in Tombstone" Williamson story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Western Kid #9 - Al Williamson art Western Kid #9 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:22 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

I think that's a Burgos cover. It isn't signed (Joe almost always signed) and it's got that scratchy ink style of Carl's. Atlas Tales agrees.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

I think you're right. Will change the post accordingly.

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