Valley of the Dinosaurs #3 - John Byrne art

Valley of the Dinosaurs #3
Valley of the Dinosaurs v1 #3, 1975 - Charlton Comics was often the publisher of choice for television properties during the 1970s. This Valley of the Dinosaurs comic book series supported the Saturday morning kid's show of the same name. Though uncredited, the story looks heavily influenced by Alex Toth, who designed some of the very best characters in children's cartoons. John Byrne provides four illustrations accompanying a short two-page text story. An early professional work, the artwork displays a fairly weak effort even on the largest panel. The kids seem vaguely similar to Charles Schultz's Peanuts, and not a very good homage at that. This is 1 of 1 Valley of the Dinosaurs issue by Byrne.
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"Visit to the Bottom of the Sea" Byrne text illos pencils and inks 2 pages = *

John Byrne
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Valley of the Dinosaurs #3 - John Byrne art Valley of the Dinosaurs #3 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:25 PM Rating: 5

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