Dead of Night #11 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st Scarecrow

Dead of Night v1 #11 - Bernie Wrightson marvel horror 1970s bronze age comic book cover art
Bernie Wrightson
Dead of Night v1 #11 featuring Scarecrow, 1975 - The bronze age Scarecrow makes his first appearance in the last issue of this horror title, previously a vehicle for reprints. Unlike previous villainous counterparts (both Marvel and DC), this character is one of several anti-heroes introduced in the 1970s. He would later be known as the Straw Man,  Bernie Wrightson inks over Gil Kane's pencils on the cover, but unfortunately doesn't meet expectations. His brushwork on the title character is impressive, but the rest of the layout is too lightly applied. Overall, his distinctive style only partially emerges. This Scott Edelman story was drawn by Rico Rival. This is 1 of 1 Dead of Night issues by Wrightson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Scarecrow / Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson cover inks (Gil Kane pencils) = **
"Enter the Scarecrow" 16 pages

1st Scarecrow appearance
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Dead of Night #11 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st Scarecrow Dead of Night #11 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st Scarecrow Reviewed by Ted F on 4:14 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Even by the more relaxed Bronze Age Comics Code standards this is a violent cover. A man is being strangled and his tongue is hanging out. The audacity alone should earn it an extra star or two. I enjoy seeing Wrightson inks over Kane.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Looking at other Wrightson works, I agree. Two stars is probably more accurate.


Great cover. All the right elements.

John said...

Not every inker was compatible with every penciller, and vice versa, IMHO. This is a pretty fair example. I noticed Gil Kane's linework before reading the post. I'm wondering if this might have been more fairly called a Gil Kane cover? I'm thinking covers attributed to Kirby being inked by Vinnie Colletta or Gene Colan's covers inked by Tom Palmer as other examples.

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