Gunsmoke v2 #12 - Al Williamson art

Gunsmoke v2 #12
Gunsmoke v2 #12, 1958 - The last of Al Williamson's work on the series, "The Elusive Luke McGlue" is his best effort of them all. Short in story length and devoid of much action, the artwork nonetheless shows a mastery of line and brushwork. The first two pages display a multitude of character faces and figures (see interior page below), drawn with great clarity and confidence. Overall, Williamson's inks are sharp and crisp, more cleanly delineating his superb pencils. Photo cover. This is 5 of 5 Gunsmoke issues by Williamson.
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"The Elusive Luke McGlue" Williamson story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***

Gunsmoke v2 #12 golden silver age comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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Gunsmoke v2 #12 - Al Williamson art Gunsmoke v2 #12 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:25 PM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

Same scan as Gunsmoke 11.

Ted F said...

Corrected. Thanks for letting me know.

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