Western Gunfighters #23 - Al Williamson art

Western Gunfighters #23
Western Gunfighters v1 #23, 1956 - A string of thefts brings a cloud of suspicion over a group of cattle hands, each wondering who could be the culprit. This western whodunit is admirably drawn by Al Williamson, relying more on the characters' figures and faces rather than the frontier settings. Like many of his 1950s westerns, his inks are loose and painterly without losing clarity or definition. Other artists in this Atlas golden age western comic include Jack Davis, Ross Andru, Mike Esposito, Mac Pakula, Vince Carrabotta, Chuck Miller and Joe Maneely (cover). This is number 1 of 1 Western Gunfighters issues with Williamson art and/or covers. 
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"One of Us Is An Outlaw" Williamson story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Western Gunfighters #23 - Al Williamson art Western Gunfighters #23 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:10 PM Rating: 5

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