Fighting American #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Fighting American v1 #5 harvey comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
Fighting American v1 #5, 1954 - On the cover, Fighting American and sidekick Speedboy seem almost casual in their last minute rescue. Jack Kirby's three interior stories fare are drawn dependably, but lack the forcefully compelling first pages of previous issues. Of these, "The Year Bender" contains the only splash and is merely adequate at best. Still, Simon and Kirby's illustrations are distinctive and stand out better than most in this era. This is 5 of 8 Fighting American issues by Kirby.
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Kirby cover pencils pencils (Joe Simon inks) = ***
"Jiseppi, The Jungle Boy" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 8 pages = ***
"The Year Bender" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 8 pages = ***
"Invisible Irving" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 6 pages = ***

Fighting American v1 #5 harvey comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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Fighting American #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover Fighting American #5 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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