Adventures Into The Unknown #96 - Al Williamson art

Adventures Into The Unknown #96
Adventures Into The Unknown v1 #96, 1950 - A traveling salesman has a recurring nightmare that turns into a premonition. This all-too-brief Al Williamson tale is quite frankly disappointing. The pencils are hurried and the inks sloppily applied. Three panels are repeated on the final page, appropriate for the storyline but damaging to the overall aesthetics. This story has also been reprinted in Unknown Worlds #47. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include John Forte and Edmond Good. Cover by Ogden Whitney. This is 3 of 5 Adventures Into The Unknown issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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"Annals of the Occult" Williamson story pencils and inks 3 pages = *
Al Williamson
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Adventures Into The Unknown #96 - Al Williamson art Adventures Into The Unknown #96 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:11 PM Rating: 5
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