World of Krypton v2 #4 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover

John Byrne / Walt Simonson
World of Krypton v2 #4, 1987 - In an efficient use of space, John Byrne embeds the planet Krypton right into the cover's masthead. While I could do without the tearful Superman, the layout is well constructed and balanced. The inks by Walt Simonson seem to make less of an impact than previous covers. Other artists in this copper age comic include Mike Mignola and Carlos Garzon. This is 4 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Byrne and 4 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Simonson.
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Byrne cover pencils / Simonson inks = ***

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World of Krypton v2 #4 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover World of Krypton v2 #4 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:03 PM Rating: 5

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