New Gods #11 - Jack Kirby art & cover

New Gods v1 #11 dc bronze age comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
New Gods v1 #11, 1972 - Orion and Kalibak battle to the death in this final issue of the series, while the Black Racer awaits the decisive outcome. Jack Kirby's artwork continues to exhilarate readers with almost continuous action. The most gripping scenes feature Kalibak breaking his reinforced shackles (page 3) and toppling a building on a fallen Orion (page 16). New Gods ends decidedly on an artistic high note. This story was later reprinted in New Gods v2 #6. Like the previous issue, a small ad appears on the last page announcing Kirby's new Kamandi series. This is 11 of 11 New Gods issues by Kirby. /// Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils (Mike Royer inks) = ***
"Darkseid and Sons" Kirby story pencils
(Mike Royer inks) 22 pages = ***

New Gods v1 #11 dc bronze age comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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New Gods #11 - Jack Kirby art & cover New Gods #11 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:30 AM Rating: 5

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